Uploaded to ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads are the files emm386.zip (uncompressed executable) and emm386sr.zip (revised source code) for EMM386. This version of EMM386 corrects an error with its GDT setup that led to a crash when it was used with one or more versions of SoundBlaster drivers. The EMM386 revision also removes code which originally changed the address of returned upper memory blocks with segment address A000 to A001. The EMM386 source is direct from maintainer Tom Ehlert's most recent release of EMM386 with the two changes added, so we will need to know if you experience any problems with it. This copy of EMM386 mostly likely will be the next official release of EMM386, in addition to the EXE compression and any final changes by Tom Ehlert. Given the abstruse nature of the GDT change, I anticipate that few, if any, other programs will be affected by the SoundBlaster fix. Please also note that a card itself was not tested since none was available. The fix simply allowed the SoundBlaster software to run to completion here without crashing. SoundBlaster may or may not now work with EMM386. As for the A000 change, everyone is on their own. I cannot say whether including the A000 range into an upper memory block will work under any circumstances, the change was simply made at others' requests and persuasion. -Micheal Devore