Hi folks, Following up on the discussion before christmas about adding zip support to htmlhelp: I finally settled on using ZLIB, which has a semi-official side project called "MINIZIP". This is the real zip format but with some of the older compression algorithms left unimplemented, such as the proprietry algorithms. I also #ifdef-ed away the encryption support. These features would be bad for transparency if they were used in the html zips, so the simplifications are not a problem - even a good thing. And the binary is much smaller than when I tried Infozip. It's thanks to the ideas in the list discussion that help now supports compression: I would never have heard of ZLIB otherwise, and would probably have given up on the idea of zipped help. The new version of htmlhelp (1.0.2) is available at: http://projects.freedos.net/htmlhelp With Regards Rob