AKFQuiz for DOS Download the file AQZ411-B.ZIP for executables and AQZ411-S.ZIP for source code. ATTENTION! This is really for DOS, don't use it under Windows. There is a Windows package available. It needs either a DPMI-capable 32Bit-DOS or the driver CWSDPMI.EXE in the PATH. For grquiz you need a VESA compatible Super VGA card and optionally a mouse driver. The directory-structure follows the requirements of FreeDOS: http://www.freedos.org The most actual version of AKFQuiz can be found on the Internet: http://akfoerster.de/download/akfquiz PROGRAMS akfquiz.exe - starts qrquiz.exe grquiz.exe - interactive VESA version crtquiz.exe - interactive Textmode version linequiz.exe - interactive lineoriented version mkquiz.exe - creates a HTML file (files from SHARE\AKFQUIZ\HTML needed) INSTALLATION If you have FreeDOS and unzip from InfoZIP: Go to the installation path of FreeDOS and unzip the package there. For example: C:\>cd \FDOS C:\>unzip -o \tmp\aqz411-b.zip Please add the following in your AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET QUIZPATH=C:\FDOS\SHARE\AKFQUIZ and then reboot the system. OTHER DOS-SYSTEMS Create an empty directory C:\AKFQUIZ and unzip the package there. Then edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add C:\AKFQUIZ\BIN to your PATH and also add there: SET QUIZPATH=C:\AKFQUIZ\SHARE\AKFQUIZ LONG FILENAMES Long filenames are supported either when they are supported on drive C:. If this doesn't work for you, you can set the environment variable LFN to anything: SET LFN=y Most programs also support the parameter -LFN. To check whether LFN-support is active use the command "mkquiz -h". HINTS Depending on how much text you use in you quiz-files, crtquiz might look better, when you use different screen-modes. For example, when you have just short questions and answers, you might want to have a larger font size. Simply type "mode co40" before you start crtquiz. Or for the GPL-Quiz it's best to use it with "mode con cols=80 lines=43". Well, just fiddle around with it... The command akfquiz starts grquiz.