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Re: [oc] FW: Could not open the PDF File

Hi Jeung Joo Lee,

Your SDRAM contrller document is really awesome. I like it very much. What 
tools are you using for documentation?


>From: "Fawad  A. Khan" <fawad@nec-lab.com>
>Reply-To: cores@opencores.org
>To: "'joon.lee@quantum.com'" <joon.lee@quantum.com>,        
>"'webmaster@opencores.org'" <webmaster@opencores.org>,        
>"'cores@opencores.org'" <cores@opencores.org>
>Subject: [oc] FW:  Could not open the PDF File
>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:06:20 -0400
>  -----Original Message-----
>From: 	Fawad  A. Khan
>Sent:	Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:52 AM
>To:	'joon.lee@quantum.com'; 'webmaster@opencores.org';
>Subject:	 Could not open the PDF File
>I downloaded the file called "sdram_doc.pdf "  from the link
>but when ever I tried to open that file it gives me this error message
>"Unable to find or create the font "CourierNewBaltic". Some characters may
>not display or print correctly"
>I tried to find this particular font but could not succeed.
>What I think may be this pdf file is not embedded.
>Please help me out in this regard I want to open this file. Its very
>I'll really appreciate you if you could resolve this problem as soon as you
>get this mail.
>Thank You
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