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Re: [oc] Beyond Transmeta...

  Brains consume about 300 Watt's of power on standby, and somwhere 
around 1500+ Watt's at full 'power', the wrinkels on the human brain are 
cooling fins, and the brain has a rather elaborate cooling system, also 
it uses more than 7 'neurons' for each bit it represents and more in the 
interconnect, I don't think it has got a low power consumtion at it's 
rated operating frequency of around 100 Hz. Furthermore, it's stressed 
to the limit most of the time it's operating, it does seem to have 
someting better than a alfa-beta prunin though as it still manages to 
function :-).

  ;-) , Lars Segerlund.

Jim Dempsey wrote:
> Don't know what the power consumption would be for 1st implementation nor
> where it would go to once you get further along the learning curve. My
> intuitive
> feel is that it would consume less power. Something along the lines of what
> biological systems (brains) consume.

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