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Re: [oc] License issue about instset compatibility

The US patent law says if you have a patent,
it prohibits sale or manufacturing of an item that

I don't think it is selling or manufacturing when
someone posts code to opencores.org, but
I am NOT a lawyer and this is just a general discussion,
NOT legal advice.

You could post it anonymously from a public library
or coffee shop to make it hard for anyone to
find you and serve you with a notice to appear
in court.

You are in italy (if .it on you email means italy),
and it may make it hard for anyone to enforce anything
against you anyhow if the patent is not an italian patent,
or if there is not an agreement between the country
where the patent is filed and the Italian government.
For example, I think a US patent cannot stop someone
in another country from manufacturing, but the US can
stop a product at the border to prevent it from being
sold in the US.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Fabrizio Fazzino <fabrizio@f... > 
To: cores@o...  
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 20:04:23 +0100 
Subject: [oc] License issue about instset compatibility 

> Hi guys, 
> I have a simple (for you) question about instruction 
> sets and licensing issues: I would like to implement 
> with SystemC a CPU core compatibile with an existing 
> one (let's say Hitachi SH-3); do I risk anything by 
> releasing it into the Open Source? 
> I'm expecting one from three possible answers: 
> 1) yes, of course you can! (Yahoo!) 
> 2) NO, of course you CAN'T!!! (booo) 
> 3) it depends whether or not the instruction set 
>    is covered by a patent. (mumble...) 
> About the "mumble..." answer, I've checked for the 
> SH-3 using web patent search engines but I didn't 
> find anything. 
> Another interesting core would be Java: I've read 
> Holger Baxmann talking about "J2EE on a FPGA". 
> I would like to start thinking about J2ME, but 
> I don't feel Sun will be so happy to hear about 
> it. 
> Thanks in advance and regards, 
> 	Fabrizio Fazzino 
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