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Re: [oc] linux xilinx webpack programming

Hi John,

I'm using RH9.
I installed wine-20030508, and ran the ISE5.1 install. This went OK.
After install I setup the Xilinx environment variables tried running:
wine c/Xilinx/bin/nt/ise.exe

The machine setup things for wine, and complained about a lot of
unhanded wine bugs, but then it just hang. wine doesn't start any
other job from that moment and the computer needs to be reboot for
wine to start functioning again (I just tested it on their notepad

Do you have any clue as to what may be the cause of this?
Can you attach your wine configuration to me? (amir_helzer@hotmail.com)
Are you running ise from a Linux installation, or from the Win partition?

Amir Helzer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Sheahan <jrsheahan@o... > 
To: cores@o...  
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 13:37:00 +1000 
Subject: Re: [oc] linux xilinx webpack programming 

> On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 12:40:28AM -0100, uwe.hartl@g...  wrote: 
> > how did you manage to install the Webpack? If I try it with 
> > "wine WebPACK_52_fcfull_i.exe" I come thru a couple of dialogs 
> and when I 
> > hit finish it opens a progress bar which goes very slow and 
> stops at 9 or 10%. 
> > Thats it. Nothing happens any more. I have my home directory 
> on nfs and I do 
> > not see any activity of the network any more and both CPU's 
> are idle. I also 
> > tried the "Webinstall" version, this crashes wine totally. 
> > 
> > Can you tell me the trick? I used 'winesetuptk' to configure 
> wine and I use 
> > Wine 20030408, which is the actual version of Gentoo. 
> > 
> > thanks in advance 
> Hi Uwe 
> I installed it several weeks back, and nothing now sticks in my 
> mind as 
> being exciting. I followed the instructions online for 5.2, but 
> used 
> the 5.1 ISE cdrom I had to hand. 
> Lets see - This is currently a rh9.0 system, 
> ((which I don't much like - Mozilla and other things hang under 
> X/Xinerama. 
>  maybe I'll downgrade it to rh8 or maybe something else.)) 
> rh7.x was much more stable, rh8 was better, except for usb. 
> wine I compiled from source.    wine --version => Wine 20030408 
> I just ran the xilinx setup after editing wine.conf - done 
> manually. 
> this took several passes to get wine.conf correct. 
> (I can post that if its of use) 
> This box will dual boot win2k, and there was a valid webpack 
> install 
> available. In fact - I know I installed to a new place (on a 
> separate 
> samba/nfs server) but when I ran the code - I have a suspicion I 
> ended up 
> running the win2k-installed stuff , as I suspect it read the 
> windows 
> environment variables. 
> I program from this box (impact/win2k/parallelcable IV)  and thats 
> been fairly error free on ~60 xc9572 devices now. 
> 1 or 2 crashes - restart navigator -  one device failed - that one 
> got heatsoaked unprogrammed, wich perhaps upset it. 
> john 
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