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Re: [openip] How can a gradulate student learn more from IPCORES

----- Original Message ----- 
From: manxi wang <wangmanxi@y... > 
To: ipcore <cores@o... >, openip 
<openip@o... > 
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 14:02:19 +0000 (GMT) 
Subject: [openip] How can a gradulate student learn more from 

> Hi, everyone 
>    i am called siriuswmx, a two-grade gradulate 
> student, i am interested in VHDL and i have read mang 
> books on it, and most of important i have joined in 
> the ipcores. 
>    However How can i learn more about VHDL? can you 
> give me some questions or problems to resolve ? 
>    thank you very much 
>                  siriuswmx 
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    I am a graduate student ,too. My major is circuit and systerm.
I think you can join the project,then you can start a new one or take 
part in other projects .I think open ip core is important for the starter.
we should learn from  them.
    can you tell me the books you have read? if you ask me why,I will
tell you because I interested in Vhdl ,too!
    wait your reply!
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