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[pci] Please help me with PCI - CRT Test Application


I am trying to run PCI test application on my prototype board.
I use Xilinx ISE 4.1 and FPGA EXPRESS, on device XC2S150-208-6.
Project is succesfully built and .mcs bit-stream is generated, Timing 
constraits and PIN locations are OK, Spartan loads and starts-up.

The problem is, that during a computer's boot, bios doesn't see my PCI 
card. On listing it shows different Vendor/Device rows, but there is no 
my card.

Is this a correct behaviour ? Should BIOS show pci crt dev/vendor on 
list ? 

Maybe I should change something in pci_user_constraints ?

Can somebody provide me a working Xilinx .npl project file, because I am 
not shure, if my settings are OK ?

Thanks in advance
Gustaw Mazurek
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