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Re: [oc] Real newbie questions

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 08:20, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> Well, since I am a programmer @ profession, it shouldn't be a problem to learn 
> VHDL, should it...
> As John said, "It takes some head rearrangement.", but I have done that 
> before, assembly -> basic -> procedural -> OO.

HDLs in general are a bit different than any "normal"
programming language you have used. "Normal" programming
languages are sequential by nature and you have to write
extra code to create threads and execute them *virtually*
in parallel. With HDLs, each block (e.g. each always,
assign, initial, etc.) is a thread that is constantly
executed (actually evaluated) and updated. There is no
guarantee that your HDL description will execute from top
to bottom. Actual execution/evaluation can be performed

In that sense the "head rearrangement" will be somewhat
more dramatic than going from assembly to OO, for example.

> Any good literature to recommend?
> Niclas

Good Luck !

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